Sunday, March 22, 2009

Some favorite maxims

Thinking of a blog entry on a lazy Sunday afternoon, I just thought of sharing some of my favorite maxims some of them collected from my readings, some personally learned through bitter experience:

1. Kung gusto, maraming paraan. Kung ayaw, maraming dahilan.
2. We can not arrive at where we want to go by staying where we are.
3. It is not enough to know. More important is to do.
4. Awards and honors are nothing if one can not use it to benefit others.
5. Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
6. To have the trust of others is a form of wealth.
7. There is no shame in failure. The pity is in not trying.
8. Sincerity is not a substitute for correctness.
9. We transform our country by transforming ourselves.
10.The little things that people do tell what they do with big things.
11. No empire was built overnight, but anyone can start to build one any day.
12. All men are created equal but different.
13. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.
14. Passion is the key to not living a mediocre life.
15. There are two kinds of failures: those who thought and never did and those who did but never thought.
16. Ang umaayaw, hindi nagwawagi.

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