Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Rape of Daniel Smith

‘Nicole’, the woman who accused American soldier Daniel Smith of raping her and for which crime Smith was found guilty by a Philippine court has recanted. She has also left the country for a new life in the land of her alleged rapist.

In her affidavit, Nicole admitted that her conscience bothered her and questioned if her behavior at the time she met Smith did not indeed contribute greatly to what has become her ordeal.

If Nicole’s decision was based purely on the dictate of her conscience, then what she did was brave and only proper. She should be supported for doing the right thing in admitting a personal lapse in judgement rather than fearing public opinion and causing the needless suffering of another person.

The only people who will be disappointed at this recantation are those with an agenda separate but riding on this rape case.

But these people are not really supporting Nicole or the cause of justice. For their agenda they are raping Daniel Smith.

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