Sunday, October 22, 2017

From kite cards to parol cards

A friend gave me a set of mini-kite cards from Japan. They are nice but  I don't know if they can really be made to fly. They make nice souvenirs though.

While thinking of how I can adapt this card to create a Filipino version of a kind of gift card, I thought of making mini parol cards which the receiver can assemble themselves or simply collect.

The possibilities are endless. But the important thing is to take the first step to turn the idea into reality.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Jeepney modernization, no! Transport modernization, yes!

This is the second day in a row that classes in all levels and work in government offices had been suspended because of a jeepney strike. Protesters are opposing the planned phase out of jeepneys under a transportation modernization plan being pursued by the government.

Although I personally believe that the jeepney is an outmoded form of transportation and which has to go one day or another, I think the best way to do this is by natural attrition and not by officially phasing it out.

Government should simply build modern mass rapid transportation options such as rail based transport and even cable cars- for the people. When people stop patronizing the jeepneys in favor of better options, the jeepney will eventually disappear- or as I have suggested in a previous post, evolve with other uses.

And while we are on the subject of transportation, I would like to remind government planners not to overlook walking as the first mode of transportation. But this is for another post.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Some essential ideas to have

1. Love of  Truth
2. Narrative of basic  history
3. Origin of man
4. the human body
5. basic philosophy
6. the concept of science
7. basic science - biology, chemistry, physics
8. basic mathematics
9. geography
10. basic humanities and the arts

In the end however, pure knowledge, without action, without deeds, is nothing.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

No to misericordia selling

I have no problem with social enterprises that create and provide livelihood opportunities for people. However, I am turned off when it is the poverty or misery of the people that is made as a selling point instead of the quality of the products that they make.

Acceptance of this practice is counter to striving for excellence which is what we should all demand in order for an enterprise to become really viable and not merely a form of charity in disguise.