Sunday, March 24, 2019

False values lead to false targets

Truth based values are not materially quantifiable. But in a materialist world, many people have come to embrace false values that lead them to pursue unworthy goals.

Our education culture is one of the saddest example for this. In most of our public and even private schools, students can go through the motion of schooling for years without really learning anything.
It is said that some teachers are afraid to fail students because they are afraid that it will reflect badly on them as a teacher.

Instead of mastering how to read, write, speak articulately and calculate they go for grades and honors which at times can be spurious. 

True learning should be its own reward and can be recognized in the simplest of rites. But lately there is even a trend of holding noisy and very public graduation ceremonies in malls even if this is a completely unnecessary exercise.

In the end, students may earn a "diploma" even if in reality they are still virtually illiterate and innumerate.

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