Friday, April 29, 2011

Heart Talk - not enough to be normal

Yesterday I had a blood test as part of my (ir) regular cholesterol monitoring. Except for Cholesterol which was a frustrating 30 points higher than normal, all the other indicators such as triglycerides, LDLC, VLDL fell within the normal range, albeit on the high borderline side. The good news is that I also have a high HDL count.

Considering that I usually exceeded the normal limits in my previous tests, I thought I had reason to celebrate. But I was told that in my case, since I am also prone to hypertension, I have to bring down my results further.

I thought I can maintain my cholesterol levels by sheer lifestyle modification thru diet and exercise. To some degree, I believe it helped. But for the new target set for me, I guess I have no option but to go back to a maintenance drug again. Hello Simvastatin!

In taking care of our heart, I still believe that diet and exercise are the best options. Drugs should only be a last resort.

Image credit: Image sourced from the internet.

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