Friday, March 27, 2020

Reasons why we can hope in the face of COVID19

COVID19 maybe invisible but it is not totally unknown. We do not have to fear it. We just have to know as much about it as we can.

We know that it is a virus that mainly attacks our respiratory system. At the moment there is no effective vaccine or established cure against it. However, there are promising studies that suggests that certain drugs and substances can stop it from replicating in our body.

In case the virus gets a foothold in our body, it is our immune system that will have to deal with it. But we are not helpless. Fortunately, there are measures we can take to build up and strengthen our immune system. Taking vitamin C, D plus zinc supplements, getting adequate sleep and moderate sun are measures we can take. Other interventions are plasma infusion from recovered patients and with doctor's advise, even saline irrigation of nasal.

It has also been observed that other vaccines like that for tuberculosis can confer some kind of immunity or better resistance to this virus. The Philippines is one country where there was a wide campaign for anti tb vaccine and this may now work again in favor for many of us who received this vaccine.

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