Sunday, August 11, 2019

My loot from the Centris plant market

My growing flowering/ornamental plant collection: Blue Iris, amaryllis, peace lily, pocket gabi and camia

I can't always go to 'nature' and so I just try to bring 'nature' to me. Luckily, at least I still have some space where I can maintain some kind of a plant collection. 

In my latest visit to the Centris Sunday market my loot were two varieties of the odoriferous camia and a medium sized Peace Lily/spathyphylum?  The other plants in the picture were bought at different times earlier and while I manage to keep them alive, I could not make them flower again.

I refuse to use fertilizers though. What I like to do however is to make a rich, nutrient laden soil/compost which I have not really gotten around to doing...yet.

My other plant project idea in mind is to create a pocket garden of our indigenous plants featured in our coins. 

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