Saturday, November 12, 2016


Truth is the highest and  most important value. It is the basis of honor and order in society. It is the cornerstone of all virtues and the fundamental element of good which allows people to live in productive harmony.

We are all beholden to truth.

Without truth, the alternative is discontent, injustice and eventually discord and chaos. Might tramples reason and the law of the jungle prevails. Without truth, freedom dies.

Truth is the life giving air of legitimacy. A person may come to power by perfectly peaceful and legal means. But when that person tries to stifle the truth and governs through lies and falsehoods, he looses that legitimacy. This leader is a  failure, a potential tyrant and despot. It becomes the duty of the people to resist this person and make him to account for his lies first by all peaceful, legal and constitutional means but if necessary through resort to their united power.

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