Monday, February 29, 2016

A Health, Education or Climate Change Trust

This is just a light bulb moment for me:

If there is an opportunity for people to help build a trust fund for concerns that matter most to them, will they readily and willingly support it?

My idea is for people who invest in the stock market to donate their fractional shares of stocks to a trust that they prefer. The trust will then fund programs that will benefit the public with bias for the poor and underprivileged.

Even those who do not invest in the stock market can donate should they be so inclined. But it is up to the trust fund officials (government people) to encourage the people to do so.

I thought of this while ruminating on the amount of money people are willing to give to their religion.
I have this feeling that as people become more secular, they will be more inclined to this idea that will ultimately benefit society of which they are members of.

But this is just a thought.

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