Saturday, April 23, 2011

Losing (and Finding?) My Religion

It was in UP as a student where I sort of lost my religion -- or at least the stranglehold of the Catholic faith in my life. But then it was also in UP where I had this strange religion related experience.

I had already graduated then and was already working for several years when for nostalgic reasons, I found myself with two other friends drinking one night in an area near the UP Sunken Garden. We talked of a lot of things and covered a lot of topics under the starlit night. As the night wore on and our alcohol was almost entirely consumed our topic drifted to religion.

I don't exactly remember the gist of our conversation but at some point, my friend said that if there was a God, He could very well make it rain in spite of the clear weather we had on that night if He willed it. When he said this, we did not give his statement much import as we believed that rain was not possible that night.

But within maybe a quarter of an hour after my friend spoke, we felt a breeze blew. Then it blew harder and the night sky suddenly filled up with clouds. The air suddenly carried the scent of wet earth and from afar, we heard a roaring noise that was steadily getting louder as it came closer to us. We realized that it was rain and we hurried to pick up our things to run for cover.

But too late for us.

As dry as we were moments ago, the rain overtook us and we became dripping wet. We finally found shelter at a nearby waiting shed and that was where we waited out the rain. We stayed there till almost dawn when we were able to hail a taxi to take us home.

I don't know how this experience had affected the thinking of my friends. As for me, all I can say is that I can not forget this happening. It did not however lead me back to accept unquestioningly some practices and beliefs of my religion although I take part in some of its observations more out of habit.

And for good measure, I try to be honest, good and nice to others.

Now all I know is that I believe in truth and if God be Truth, then I believe in God.

Happy Easter.

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