Monday, September 5, 2016

Repurposed mosquito swatter

I think the electric mosquito swatter is a great idea. The problem with it though is that it breaks down easily but it is not as easy to repair if it can even be repaired at all. People have no choice but to discard broken swatters and buy new ones.

But just imagine the waste. If only there is a way to easily repair these gadgets or to repurpose them.

I am thinking that if there is a kind of slow drying adhesive that can be applied to the screen of the swatter, then maybe it will still be possible to use them. Instead of zapping the mosquitos they will just get stuck on the screen for removal later.

A security guard at a fast food outlet had a different idea however. Instead of catching mosquitos, he repurposed his swatter to catch flies.

For as long as the contraption works and remains useful, then for me it is still a good idea.

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