Thursday, January 24, 2019

Learning Spanish

I regret not having taken the chance to learn Spanish seriously when I was in college. But now, I am trying to make up for that wasted opportunity by self studying the language. I am doing fine at the basic level now and happy that I can read with reasonable comprehension many articles written in this language.

Many Filipinos, both old and young see Spain in a dark light as a ruthless colonizer and oppressor of our people. This may be true but this was in the past. Because of this thinking, our people miss out on the many good and positive aspects that Spanish culture and keeping good relations with that country can bring us. Besides, modern Spain is very different from the old one that believed they own half of the world.

I don't know how far I can master the Spanish language but one of my goals in learning this language is to establish a sister city partnership between my town and Mondragon, Spain which has a very successful cooperative model that I hope to adapt locally.

But maybe this idea is just a quixotic dream.

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