Monday, March 26, 2018

How about Linis-Lakad or Alay Linis for a change

It's that time of year again when thousands of people trek to pilgrimage sites as part of the Lenten tradition.

Seeing literally thousands of people demonstrating their faith by walking long distances to their pilgrim destination is a sight to behold. It makes me wonder what if this energy of the people can be channeled to a more productive endeavor? I am sure that the result can even be more awesome and inspiring.

The problem however with this yearly trek is the immense litter the pilgrims leave in their wake. Many of these pilgrims have no qualms littering and throwing away their trash while on the road and even at the site of their final destination.

I wonder if it is possible to tweak this tradition a little by making the people conscious of cleaning up the streets where they walk also as part of their show of faith. If not, maybe a day can be set aside just for this purpose.

I wonder how people will take to Alay Linis or Linis Lakad.

Cleanliness and faith are not mutually exclusive. They should go together.

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