Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Stryker bag

I bought this kind of bag as a souvenir gift when I had a chance to travel abroad. Good thing that I kept one for myself.

I did not realize how useful it can be as it is very light yet can hold a lot of things. When empty, it can be worn on the back without being cumbersome. It also has a great potential to be a local souvenir item as its surface lend itself to many design potential.

I don't know how this bag is originally called but I would like to call it a striker bag because it allows the user to carry it along very conveniently.

Am glad that this thing came to me towards the end of the year. This can be a good project to follow next year which begins tomorrow. Now to make this bright idea work, I need to find the right people - designers and sewers especially.

Happy New Year. All the best to everyone. Stay safe and let us pray that we keep our sanity next year.

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