Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Efren and Gloria

Efren Penaflorida is an ordinary citizen, son of a tricycle driver and an itinerant vendor.

Through his Kariton Classroom project, he battled the dragon of ignorance releasing hundreds, maybe thousands of children from the mental prison of illiteracy. He did not seek to be elected first to a position of power before he can do good. He just did it from where he was standing, from where he moved. And he made a difference.

For his achievement CNN recognized him as a World Hero.

On the other hand, Mrs. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo had to lie, cheat and even kidnap her way to the Presidency and when her term is almost finished proclaim that she is not ready to step down from public service and files yet her candidacy for another albeit lower elective post.

Is she truly motivated by a desire to serve? Or is she merely a power addict with an insatiable desire for power?

Considering the litany of scandals and crimes imputed to her administration and which she would not squarely face, maybe what she truly is , is that she is a prisoner of power.

If so, she will never give up power. But it is up to the people to transfer her imprisonment from that of power to jail.

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